Masonic Lodge Quanah #689
Non-Profit Organization | Member since April 6th, 2012
Masonic District 90
Located in Hardeman County Texas
122 year old Lodge (Charter granted December 10, 1890)
Members: 114
Lodge Address: 601 Loop Rd., Quanah, TX 79252
---- Driving Directions -----
The Quanah Masonic Temple is located at 601 Loop Road
From U.S. Hwy 287
Turn North At The Pizza Hut Restaurant
Temple Is On The Right Approximately 1/4 Mile From Hwy 287
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 588
Meetings: Third Monday of each month, 7:30 p.m.
Lodge Phone: (940) 663-5655
Please mention you proudly found Masonic Lodge Quanah #689 on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
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