Masonic Lodge Tilden TX - Lodge #544
Non-Profit Organization | Member since April 10th, 2012
Masonic District 42
Located in McMullen County Texas
131 year old Lodge (Charter granted December 12, 1881)
Members: 31
Lodge Phone: (830) 769-2326
Lodge Address: Hwy. 16 & Hwy. 72
Tilden TX 78072
Driving directions: In Tilden, the Lodge is on the west side of Hwy 16 at the corner with the blinking light. The blinking light is at the intersection of Hwy 16 and Hwy 72. The Lodge is across the street to the west of the courthouse.
Mailing Address: 638 Deer Trail
Meetings: First Saturday on or before the full moon, 7:30 p.m.
Meal: 6:30 pm
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