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Speak Life Wordwide Inc.

Business Address:
3035 Stone Mountain Street
Unit 1907
Lithonia, GA 30058-1907
Dekalb County

Business Contact:
Mr. Earl Cornwell
Contact Speak Life Wordwide Inc.

Non-Profit Organization | Member since August 29th, 2012
Business claims to be certified by the CVE

Speak Life Wordwide Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit educational/charitable organization providing education and training for veterans, the unemployed and underemployed, housing assistance for the homeless, disaster relief and literacy programs.

Speak Life is designed to reach people at the point of their need(s). Through our subsidiary, icndesign, we provide business and industrial services.

Please mention you proudly found Speak Life Wordwide Inc. on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

Military service has enabled me to be disciplined and focused on the task at hand. Military service has also allowed me to further my education in business administration and management.

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