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Blades of Grass Lawn Care, LLC

Business Address:
102 Crossvine Ct.
Savannah, GA 31405-2766
Chatham County

Business Contact:
Johny Crooks
Contact Blades of Grass Lawn Care, LLC

Service Disabled Veteran Owned | Army, Retired | Member since November 19th, 2012

Blades of Grass Lawn Care. LLC is committed to providing the best lawn care & landscaping services in Savannah, Georgia.

We are a complete property grounds maintenance company. Our services include weekly and bi weekly scheduled lawn mowing services, shrubs and hedge trimming and installation, mulch and pine straw installation, and more.

Veteran owned and operated, we are dependable and very reliable. Summer is a season for enjoying your family and your favorite activities. Let Blades of Grass Lawn Care in Savannah GA take care of your property maintenance needs so that you can have more time for the important things in life.

During the Spring and Fall seasons, we also provided property leaf clean up at competitive prices.

Please mention you proudly found Blades of Grass Lawn Care, LLC on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

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