Nexus Resource Group
Veteran Owned Business | Army, Retired | Member since April 2nd, 2013
Our service is free to all job seekers and from resume to interview; to job offer, we assist you every step of the way. Our recruiters are former military with 15 years of experience in this industry.
Please mention you proudly found Nexus Resource Group on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
It all starts with a single person believing you have the ability to go beyond the ordinary. I had such an NCO at my first duty station who molded me into a soldier with confidence, self-esteem, discipline and work ethic. I was taught to think in the present and the future... never look back... always move forward. I was taught to take risks and embrace failure and success as a training tool. I did that thru-out my career and that is what our military brings to the table at the end of service.
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