150,000,000 pages viewed | 50 Million Visitors
Nearly 40,000 Veteran Businesses/SDVOSBs | 400,000+ Supporters
(877) 862-5478


Business Address:
Tacoma, WA 98407
Pierce County
Business Contact:
John Berosh
Contact DEARS Group LLC

Veteran Owned Business | National Guard, Reserves | Member since February 23rd, 2015

The DEARS Group is about Business Development Entrepreneurship Advertising Return-on-Investment and Success through sharing. The underlying purpose of the DEARS Group is our Homeless Veteran Project which supports the work of volunteers such as Donna and Phillip who work tirelessly for the benefit of veterans.

This nation of ours should be ashamed to ever have allowed a single veteran to have chosen the street as a place of refuge and shelter from the cold. We aim to do our part by establishing a "Thanks2Vets" page for each State with primary contacts listed in color photographs as well as video. We also aim to do so through the two primary products: Organic WholeFoodBar and Daily Greens.

Beyond this primary mission and purpose, the DEARS Group helps small businesses succeed through the use of multi-screen or DTS sites. These modern web pages present themselves quite nicely across all platforms desktop, tablet, and smart-phone. The information is resized through the use of CSS, HTML5, and scripting for a clean consumer-friendly appearance. You may see information regarding this at our main site under the DTS tab from a desktop or tablet screen.

Please mention you proudly found DEARS Group LLC on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

Integrity, Service before self, Excellence in all I do. A human has but a name and character which defines that person for life. Military service, although not perfect, makes good character excellent. Being an entrepreneur allows me to do what is right at all times without prior approval except from thyself.

This page has been visited 2568 times.


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