Edge-Dynamic Human Solutions, Inc.
Veteran Owned Business | Army, Separated | Member since November 6th, 2009
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Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
As a military brat of an Army Master Sergeant, my business acumen began early in life. Understanding discipline, relentless effort, planning, delegating, motivating, leading and embracing the mission, my preparation to own, run and grow businesses courses through me. Even as a teen, although not necessarily with the correct trajectory, my skills served me well through sports and social activities. I started my military career as an enlisted man and later finished my degree and was commission as a Regular Army officer. My prior service experience allowed me a priceless amount of experience to lead troops as an officer and my ability to understand the importance of the “People Always” part of my favorite Army motto. Later when I entered the corporate world I found my overall military experience propelled me forward exceeding my non-military counterparts and the higher I climber the corporate ladder, the more I understood the need to lead my own team, my own company and provide my own
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