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The Last Frontier Honor Flight

Business Contact:
Ron Travis
President and Co Founder
Contact The Last Frontier Honor Flight

Non-Profit Organization | Member since February 13th, 2017

The Last Frontier Honor Flight’s mission is to transport Alaska war veterans to Washington D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their services and sacrifices. These trips are provided by donations and are no cost to the veterans.

America is losing approximately 700 WWII veterans per day, so there is a great deal of urgency to raise the necessary funds. Nationally, the Honor Flight Network has a substantial waiting list, and it is up to the regional hubs to plan and execute trips for veterans from each area. The Last Frontier Honor Flight was established in January, 2013 and is working diligently to fund trips for Alaskan veterans who may be on existing waiting lists in other states, as well as veterans who have recently learned about our program. We aim to serve as many veterans as possible and will do our best to get all veterans to Anchorage, Alaska to travel with us. The Last Frontier Honor Flight is currently accepting applications from WWII, Alaska Territorial Guard and Korean War veterans will also serve terminally ill veterans of any war and will naturally transition to Vietnam War veterans.

Trips are simply not possible without public support. Prior to Honor Flight Network, many veterans had given up all hope of ever seeing the World War II Memorial. Now they have hope, but time is not on their side. The time to act is now! We truly believe that the service of our WWII vets and their sacrifices saved the world from oppression and tyranny and this i

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