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I40 Machine & Tool, Inc.

Business Address:
223 Commerce Blvd.
Statesville, NC 28625
Iredell County
DBA/Alternate Name/Nickname:
I40 Machine & Tool

Business Contact:
Mr. Alvin Anderson
Contact I40 Machine & Tool, Inc.

Veteran Owned Business | Navy, Retired | Member since February 8th, 2010

I40 Machine & Tool, Inc. is a CNC machine shop specializing in quality short run production work, prototype parts, special tools and gauges and used machinery - all at competitive pricing, quality work and on-time delivery!

Please mention you proudly found I40 Machine & Tool, Inc. on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

The discipline of the military is the greatest teacher followed by respect for people and self. It also gave me the skills to go into this business and being in the Navy in such close quarters taught me how to get along really well with all kinds of people and all types of situations.

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