Non-Profit Organization | Member since January 21st, 2022
WARRIORS ROCK is a fabulous musical tribute to Veterans that has been performed nationally and we are thrilled to present it here, at Sycuan Casino!. It is a renewal of patriotism and an enjoyable night of music, with music performed by Founder and former lead singer of the Vogues: Gary Racan & his studio e band. The concert will feature local Veterans who are the rock stars of the night! It is a well-produced show that presents pre-recorded interviews of the featured Veterans shown on the backdrop of the stage/screen throughout the concert. Each interview ends with he or she is stating, “the song that reminds them of home when they were deployed” and the band kicks into that song. The evening ends with all the Veterans & active Military in the audience being brought to the front and honoring them with God Bless the USA. It is a respectable and well-deserved tribute for the people we should be honoring in this country.
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Warriors Rock - Tagline/Slogan: More than 50,000 servicemen and women have been physically injured while serving our country and many, many more have suffered psychological effects and bear the burden of those effects on our behalf. Warriors Rock In Concert with Gary Racan and the studio e band’s mission is to honor and empower these warriors and make this the most successful well-adjusted generations of Veterans in our Nation’s history.
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