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Remembering America's Heroes

Business Address:
PO Box 22680
Milwaukie, OR 97269
Clackamas County
Business Contact:
Mrs. Tammy Steffens
Development Director
Contact Remembering America's Heroes

Non-Profit Organization | Member since July 8th, 2010

Under the leadership of Executive Director Ken Buckles, Remembering America's Heroes (RAH) provides education to youth and the community so they can understand and appreciate the value of freedom and its cost. For the past fourteen years, RAH has been known for Milwaukie High School's Living History Day, which is the biggest and most comprehensive school program honoring Veterans in the state. In 2008, over 700 Veterans and their guests attended the all-day signature event at Milwaukie High School (MHS).

Living History Day at MHS includes speaker sessions, where small pairings of Veterans speak to students in classrooms about their experiences; a luncheon hosted by MHS students; a Gold Star Assembly that pays tribute to 50 MHS students and one teacher who lost their lives serving our country; and an impressive museum with over 50 military memorabilia/artifact collectors spread throughout the gym and outdoor areas.

The day culminates in the Assembly of Honor, a recreated USO Show that includes performances by students and professional performers, as well as comedy, words of inspiration, and special recognition of our Veterans. MHS students spend days, even weeks, decorating the campus in preparation. Many alumni come back each year to help out as well.

Remembering America's Heroes also takes its Living History Day program on the road several times throughout the year to other schools in Oregon. RAH has helped organize Living History Day programs and assemblies at Pend

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