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American Epiphany Limited

Business Address:
2710 Hardings Trace Lane
Richmond, VA 23233
Henrico County
Business Contact:
Sandy Poynter Harvill
Contact American Epiphany Limited

Non-Profit Organization | Member since August 5th, 2010

American Epiphany Limited is a non profit organization to support artists residencies for the purpose of creating films, videos, plays, etc. in order to preserve the American way of life, and the principles upon which our forefathers founded this great nation. We feel that the ethics and morals upon which our country was founded are not being taught to the younger generations, since approximately 70% of the younger generation get their information from movies, videos, and the internet, it is the plan of American Epiphany to reach them through films. Never under estimate the power of one good film!

Please mention you proudly found American Epiphany Limited on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

We personally are not veterans, however, our father was in the Air Force, so we were raised in a military family. The pride and self respect as well as taking personal responsibility has been drilled in our heads since we were born. This has been the basis of our belief in America and in the Freedom that America has given us by the services of our military. Brigadier General Michael P. Mc Raney, serves on the American Epiphany Board of Directors.

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