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Nearly 40,000 Veteran Businesses/SDVOSBs | 400,000+ Supporters
(877) 862-5478


Business Address:
1440 Beaumont Avenue
Beaumont, CA 92223
Riverside County
Business Contact:
Mr. Melvin McCabe
Contact discoverthePASS

Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Separated | Member since January 18th, 2011

discoverthePASS has undertaken the mission of developing a central hub to serve the San Gorgonio Pass in an unparalleled way.

As we grow and include more neighborhoods, more business types, and other community attractions, we believe that the opinions and experiences of real people will prove to be the ultimate tool for our visitors.

"Moving forward without losing sight of where we've been."

Please mention you proudly found discoverthePASS on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

There's no better way to be prepared for overcoming obstacles in business than to be an Active Duty Marine! Specifically the "stick-to-it-iveness" that most civilians lack.

This page has been visited 3605 times.


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