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The mission of American Veterans Helping Veterans is based on inherent human conditions. People need to have a sense of self worth in order ... |
HicksStrong Inc. was founded by Michael, Jolee & Sienna Hicks after the tragic loss of their Son Macoy Hicks to suicide on 2/11/2019. Macoy ... |
Military with PTSD is an Indiana Non-profit and 501c3 tax-exempt organization. Our mission is to educate veterans, caretakers, and ... |
One Team One Fight 4 PTSD educates veterans and the public sector concerning issues faced with post traumatic stress/traumatic brain ... |
We are a Veteran owned and operated 501(c)3 Nonprofit Ranch, founded to assist Veterans and the community in breaking away from the ... |
The Can Do Spirit is a nonprofit organization that helps Veterans and their family when transitioning home following a catastrophic ... |
Victory Ranch Inc. is a disabled veteran-owned equestrian non-profit that was founded in 2006. We partner with HomeFirst and started a new ... |
WarriorNOW was founded as a way to eliminate the stigma associated with veterans dealing with mental health-related concerns, PTSD, and/or ... |
The Wounded Warrior Project's mission: To honor and empower wounded warriors. Vision: To foster the most successful, well-adjusted ... |
Bands of Brothers, Inc. | Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 The Bands of Brothers Slogan "We Rock for Those Who Serve" is more than just a tagline. This unique organization will drive awareness ... |
Carolina Veterans Support Group, Inc. | Raleigh, NC 27606 Carolina Veterans Support Group, Inc., when a Veteran prepares to leave the Military Service, they are filled with Pride and Fear. Pride in ... |
Geaux Veterans | Denham Springs, LA 70726 Geaux Veterans Mission is to Create Career Pathways for the Veteran Community. As a applied for non-profit awaiting IRS designation, Geaux ... |
Global Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Foundation | Huntersville, NC 28078 Global Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Foundation provides support and treatment to Veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Injuries. ... |
Guardian of Freedom Ministries Inc | Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Guardian of Freedom Ministries Inc is a Not-For- Profit Organization that’s mission is to dramatically change a Traumatic Brain Injured ... |
Helping Heal Heroes, Inc. | Cordova, TN 38016 Helping Heal Heroes, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for Post 9/11 Disabled Veterans with service-connected injuries or ... |
Heroes United | White Plains, NY 10601 The mission for Heroes United is to work closely with OIF/OEF/OND veterans and provide them with effective transitional services. These are ... |
Horse Rhythm Foundation | Glendale, AZ 85310 Horse Rhythm Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization designed to offer specialized services for veterans, first responders and ... |
LifeTroops | Edmond, OK 73012 LifeTroops is a local, 501(c)3 organization in Oklahoma. Our program offers returning soldiers a faith-based curriculum that helps them ... |
My Service Impact | Albany, NY 12206 My Service Impact at the University of South Florida and the University at Albany, SUNY is a unique team of active duty and National Guard ... |
National Center for PTSD | White River Junction, VT 05009 National Center for PTSD is a part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Center for PTSD provides research and education ... |
No Soldier Left Behind | Denver, CO 80237 No Soldier Left Behind pays 100% of costs related to Brainwave Optimization treatment for PTSD and TBI for current and former service ... |
O-State Equine Assisted Therapy | Guthrie, OK 73044 O-State Equine Assisted Therapy's (OSEAT) mission is to contribute to the stimulation and develompent of Veterans, Cancer Patients and ... |
Operation Backbone | Buffalo, NY 14203 Operation Backbone provides crucial brain and spine surgical treatments for active duty & veterans who need an accelerated substitute to ... |
Our Forgotten Warriors | Lacy, WA 98503 The mission of Our Forgotten Warriors (OFW) is to help struggling soldiers and veterans reintegrate into their communities, through the ... |
Patriot Clinics | Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Patriot Clinics is a Non-Profit that repairs brain injured veterans and there families at no charge to them, with the use of hyperbaric ... |
Salisbury Veterans Voice Mental Health Council | Clemmons, NC 27012 Salisbury Veterans Voice Mental Health Council is an organization created to improve the lives of disabled veterans with brain disorders ... |
Semper Fidelis Health and Wellness | Baltimore, MD 21230 WHO WE ARE Semper Fidelis Health & Wellness (SFHW) is a community based 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit corporation founded by two US ... |
Semper K9 Assistance Dogs | Manassas, VA 20112 Semper K9 Assistance Dogs's mission is to enhance the quality of life for wounded, critically-ill and injured members of the U.S. Armed ... |
Spring Reins of Life | Clinton, NJ 08809 Spring Reins of Life is a public charity nonprofit offering EAP (equine assisted psychotherapy) under the international EAGALA Model. We ... |
The Battle Buddy Foundation | West Chester, OH 45069 The Battle Buddy Foundation (TBBF), was cofounded by Marine infantry combat veterans. TBBF is dedicated to serving our brothers/sisters in ... |
The Reloaded Program | San Antonio, TX 78245 The Reloaded Program is a Nonprofit Organization whose mission is to provide Veterans and Transitioning Military with a low stress ... |
The Richard A. Neubauer Research Institute | Laguna Beach, CA 92656 The Richard A. Neubauer Research Institute (RANRI) believes in the healing power of oxygen. The Institute exists to further research, ... |
Twenty for the Troops | Burnsville, MN 55337 Twenty for the Troops is in the business of supporting our men and women of the US armed forces. Through an affiliation with Becker ... |
United States War Veteran's PTSD Foundation | Chandler, AZ 85226 United States War Veteran's PTSD Foundation is an Arizona non-profit and IRS designated 501 (C) (3) corporation. Our mission is to ... |
Vet-REACH | San Dimas, CA 91773 Vet-REACH provides Reintegration, PTS awareness and suicide prevention training to post-deployment veterans and families. Our guests will ... |
Vets Saving Vets | El Paso, TX 79912 Vets Saving Vets offers disabled combat veterans and their families counseling, both individual and group therapy, for issues such as PTSD, ... |
Welcoming Your Soldier Home | Austin, TX 78703 Welcoming Your Soldier Home. Andrew O’Brien served honorably in the army, deployed to Iraq, was a gunner on convoys and survived in IED ... |