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Carolina Veterans Support Group, Inc.

Business Address:
Carolina Veterans Support Group, Inc.
Raleigh, NC 27606
Wake County
Business Contact:
Ms. Jan Jacobson
Executive Director
Contact Carolina Veterans Support Group, Inc.

Non-Profit Organization | Member since January 7th, 2014

Carolina Veterans Support Group, Inc., when a Veteran prepares to leave the Military Service, they are filled with Pride and Fear. Pride in their personal accomplishments, their unit, their branch of service and finally the military as a whole. Fear because for their entire life in the service they have been led. They knew their duties and they carried them out in order to ensure the success of the Team.

Now, facing civilian life for the first time in years they have been prepared by the Transition Assistance Program, but still, will they find a job? Can they find a suitable home for their growing family? What about health care, education, and all the other facets of civilian life. Will they be a part of a Team?

CVSG's goal is to assist the returning young Veteran in overcoming the many obstacles facing him or her in the coming years. We shall not forget the aging Veteran Population who face different but still overwhelming difficulties. Working with local organizations, together we can re-introduce these Veterans into the life of their communities and help them assume an active and leadership position within their community. Regaining their Pride in Self!

Please mention you proudly found Carolina Veterans Support Group, Inc. on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

Platoon leader, executive officer and company commander of a rifle company in Vietnam.

This page has been visited 4321 times.

Carolina Veterans Support Group, Inc. - Tagline/Slogan:
A hand up not a hand out


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