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Business Listings for Michigan
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QUALITY, SERVICE, and SIGNIFICANCE. provides services to a community of people that have a specific need for mobile ... |
Alcona Department of Veteran Affairs | Harrisville, MI 48740 Alcona County Michigan Department of Veteran Affairs (Harrisville, MI): Art Winter, Counselor 106 North 5th St. PO Box 308 Harrisville, ... |
Care Ambassadors | Montrose, MI 48457 Care Ambassadors focuses on getting the Word Out: Legitimate Care for U.S. Veterans/Active Troops Information Clearinghouse. |
De Novo Inc | Redford, MI 48239 De Novo Inc is a non profit organization that services veterans with housing needs, hands on care needs, transportation, e-mods, equipment, ... |
Emmet County Department of Veteran Affairs | Petoskey, MI 49770 Emmet County Michigan Department of Veteran Affairs (Petoskey, MI): James Alton, Counselor 200 Division St. Petoskey, MI 49770 Phone: (231) ... |
Free2V, ltd | Macomb, MI 48042 Veteran-Owned nonprofit providing travel expenses to veterans, active-duty military members, and their families for funerals of fallen ... |
Gogebic County Department of Veterans Affairs | Bessemer, MI 49911 Gogebic County Michigan Department of Veterans Affairs (Bessemer, MI): Gary Gertz, Counselor 200 N. Moore St. Bessemer, MI 49911 Phone: ... |
Grand Traverse County Veterans Affairs | Traverse City, MI 49686 The Grand Traverse County Veterans Affairs Office strives to provide professional assistance to veterans and their families with ... |
Hero's Corner Grand Rapids | Grand Rapids, MI 49508 Hero’s Corner is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has been actively serving the Kent County Community for the past two ... |
Inspiring Our Heroes | Orleans, MI 48865 Inspiring Our Heroes is dedicated to helping Veterans achieve self-growth by embracing their unique qualities and assets so that they can ... |
Missaukee County Department of Veteran Affairs | Lake City, MI 49651 Missaukee County Michigan Department of Veteran Affairs (Lake City, MI): Marcia Moore 105 S. Canal St. PO Box 627 Lake City, MI ... |
No Veteran Left Behind | Lincoln Park, MI 48146 No Veteran Left Behind is dedicated to assist the men and women who served in the armed forces, and their families, to assure that they ... |
Project Brotherhood Resolve | Lapeer, MI 48446 Project Brotherhood Resolve (PBR) is a Non-profit assisting struggling veterans financially. Long term goal is veteran homeless housing. ... |
S.A.V.E. Home Front | Birmingham, MI 49770 Mission: To provide a G.I.F.T. to Veterans for a positive life change opportunity- a help up not a hand out. Vision: A community where ... |
Schoolcraft County Veterans Affairs | Manistique, MI 49854 Schoolcraft County Michigan Veterans Affairs (Manistique, MI): Vicki Stewart, Counselor 300 Walnut St. Room 206 Manistique, MI ... |
Start2Heel | Southfield, MI 48037 Start2Heel Mission is to empower female veterans back to their femininity and self identification while transitioning from their military ... |
TeamDepotMichigan | Northville, MI 48167 TeamDepot are Home Depot employees who give back to the community during their off hours, this years effort is to help as many veterans as ... |